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 Vol.29, No.2,1999 


全国电池工业信息中心  湖南轻工研究院  主办

掺铋MnO2纳米粉体的合成及其可充性          娟  夏  熙  李清文 (47)

LiMnO2合成条件对其充放电性能的影响      王要武  阴晓东  徐仲瑜(51)

石墨嵌入电极在硫酸溶液中的充放特性      尹鸽平  夏保佳  程新群  史鹏飞(54)

烧结式镍基板化学浸渍过程研究            唐致远      宋改云  宋全生(57)

LiCoxNi1-xO2的合成及其性能               张胜利  韩周祥  宋文顺  余仲宝(61)

AB5型贮氢合金放电容量的影响因素         张昭良  孙东升(64)

高比容量氧化镍电极的研制                余成洲  赖为华  颜广昊  吴金媛(67)

浆层纸的研制                            黄振茂 (70)

MH/Ni电池封口化成机理的探讨             谢德明  刘昭林(73)

可充锌电极存在的问题及解决途径          王建明  钱亚东  张  莉  张鉴清  曹楚南(76)

安全阀与阀控铅酸蓄电池                  唐  槿(81)

阀控式铅酸蓄电池(2)                     张胜永(85)

续谈潜艇及其电源                        张纪元(89)


Vol.29,Number 2(Serial No.132),April.1999


Synthesis of bismuth doped manganese dioxide nanophase powders with solid-state reaction and study on their electrochemical properties ............. Li Juan et al(47)

The influence of synthetic conditions of LiMn2O4 on its charging-discharging performances ............. Wang Yaowu et al(51)

Charge-discharge performances of graphite intercalation electrodes in H2SO4 solution ............. Yin Geping et al(54)

Study of chemical impregnation for sintered nickel plaques ............. Tang Zhiyuan(57)

Synthesis of LiCoxNi1-xO2 and their properties ............. Zhang Shengli et al(61)

Factors affecting the discharge capacity of AB5-type hydrogen storage alloys ............. Zhang Zhaoliang et al(64)

Preparation of high specific capacity Ni(OH)2 electrode ............. Yu Chengzhou et al(67)

Development of separator for paper-lined batteries ............. Huang Zhenmao(70)

Study on sealed formation of MH/Ni batteries ............. Xie Deming et at(73)

The main problems of secondary alkaline zinc electrode and the methods of solving these problems ............. Wang Jianming et al(76)

Relief valve and valve regulated lead acid batteries ............. Tang Jin(81)

Valve regulated lead-acid battery(II) ............. Zhang Shengyong(85)

Continuation of discussion about the submarine batteries ............. Zhang Jiyuan(89) 




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